Friday, November 16, 2012

DFF Free art...

For this years Detroit Fan Fare i had quite a bit of art to finish in a matter of days, not weeks, and i can defiantly say this had been a great learning experience. I drew and colored a "Ballad of the Walker" promo hand out (i did not do the logo), and colored the rest of the promos that i didnt draw, like one for "The 7" pencils by Laurell Bryant and another for "Karma" pencils by Jovon Tucker...


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Heroine addicted werewolf...

Working with Sinister Undertone Comics has helped me learn alot of things about my own artistic processes. Coming soon i will be working on "Ballad of the Walker"... here is some concept art for it...

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Next Week...

To be continued when i post up the promotional hand out i drew, and the ones i colored from the Detroit fan fare.. 

Detroit FanFare 2012....

For this years Detroit Fanfare i completed  number of art projects for a company Sinister Undertone Comics that iv been working with since last year. Other than completing my karma issues 3 and 4 this September  i drew up a banner stand and colored it, then i colored 1 other banner and...
Ballad of the Walker Banner Stand= Pencils and Colors by Cassie Henry (Me)

The 7 Banner Stand= Pencils by Laurell Bryant, Colors by Cassie Henry (Me)

Here is a picture i drew for Ballad of the walker as a promo handout for last May's Motor city con
Check out Sinister Undertone at...
and at the website